Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Nailed it

I just finished my nails, a french tip with a pink flower rhinestones. Aw that's so preddy. I start playing squash tomorrow on the sixth line, not the seventh (bottom) line.

Tomorrow is one of my best days at school. Yeah for me! We will be moving into a new room at the end of the term because the high school staff room has been condemned. I am moving with them because atm I live by myself in the science lab. The Aboriginal co-ordinator will be moving into my old room, and the old staffroom will be turned into a storege space for all of us high school eacher to keep units and old tests etc.

Agh - I can't believe Alice just won Australian Next Top Model she's a fish faced, emotionless pit. The whole show she sat there looking like she swallowed a lemon! And the fact that their excuse to not select Steph was that she was too young - well, why did they allow 16 year olds to enter if that was going to be the case? Go Steph! Go out there and make more money then that whiny excuse ridden excuse of a model. However I know that Alice is 'the look' for Paris and runway so she will do well, but I feel so bad for Steph!

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